
Glyphosate : Weed Killer or Environment Wrecker?

Introduction, Connection & brief History: – Weeds and Glyphosate

Weeds have existed from the time organic carbon content soil formed naturally on earth. It takes  a relatively short duration for weeds to germinate, grow, produce a flower and seed, before they

perish. Weeds do a vital job in ecosystems: they quickly establish themselves in the soil as well as  protect and restore soil that has been exposed by natural and human-induced disturbances. It  takes very little for weeds to sprout and grow. They grow in all kinds of soil surfaces and in  minimum suitable conditions too.

Weeds behave true to the old saying, “Nothing grows like a weed”.

Apart from improving the quality of the soil, weeds also act as a natural pest control and enhance  crop pollination. Moreover, some weeds are also used as food and medicine. However, even with  all its benefits, weeds are not beneficial for agriculture. Ever since formal farming began about  13,500 years ago, weeds have always been a worry for farmers. It is said that weeds are the  costliest category of agricultural pests. Weeds cause more yield loss and add more to farmers’  production costs than any other causes.

Monsanto developed the use of glyphosate to kill weeds in the early 1970s, which was patented in  1971. They first brought it to market in 1974, under the brand name ‘Roundup’, and thereafter it  quickly became the leading pesticide in the global agro-chemical market.

What is Glyphosate?

Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum chemical herbicide that is used world over. It is used to kill weeds  and unwanted plants that threaten the growth of crops and other native plants by competing for  water, sun, and soil nutrients. Glyphosate is usually available in the form of solid, liquid  concentrate, and read-to-use liquid as well.

While aerial sprays as well as shielded and hooded sprays are the most common methods for  administering glyphosate, they are also available in the form of sponge bars, injection systems,  wide applicators, and controlled droplet applicators. Glyphosate herbicide is used for an array of  crops including corn, cotton, soybean, citrus crops, leafy vegetables, sugar beet, bulb vegetables,  tube vegetables, legume vegetables, etc. Apart from agricultural use, glyphosate is also used in  residential and commercial settings.

How Glyphosate Works?

Glyphosate is derived from an amino acid named glycine. When glyphosate is sprayed on the plant, it spreads to every part of the weed or unwanted plant through the leaves. It travels  through every cell and seeps into the stems and the roots, thus causing the decay of the entire  plant in 2-3 weeks. As glyphosate effectively kills unwanted plants and weeds, it is a widely used  herbicide all over the world.

What are the Disadvantages of Glyphosate?

Although glyphosate is considered a safe herbicide by the EPA, i.e. the United States’  Environmental Protection Agency, several recent studies have pointed out the side effects of this  pesticide.

Is Glyphosate Harmful to the Environment?

Glyphosate has an affinity to bind to soil particles and thus mostly accumulates in the top-soil  layers. However, processes like surface runoff, drift, and vertical transport in soil may transport it  to groundwater, surface water, and water sediment. When soil and water are affected, it can affect  the entire ecosystem. Several studies show the impact of glyphosate on plants, soil, microbes,  humans, animals, and other organisms as well.

Impact on Plants

The main problem with glyphosate is that it is a non-selective herbicide. This means that the  herbicide can have the same effect on native plants or crops on the land as the weeds and  unwanted plants. Even if the pesticide is not directly sprayed on these plants, traces of glyphosate  can spread to the nearby plants. Moreover, a large portion of the spray can also reach the soil and  travel to the main crops or non-targeted plants through the roots. Moreover, the aerosolized

droplets of this herbicide can move like a cloud and cause harm to plants or crops of neighboring  fields, especially on a hot and humid day.

Impact on Soil

Apart from causing harm to the main crops and plants, long-term or continuous use of glyphosate  on the same land can also harm the soil. Earlier it was believed that glyphosate binds to soil  particles and remains only in the top layer of the soil. However, glyphosate leaching into the lower  layers of soil is possible in certain types of soil and weather conditions. In such cases, glyphosate  can seep into surface water, groundwater, and even in drainage water.

As the health of the soil is extremely important for growing good crops, the presence of glyphosate  in it can have hazardous effects. Moreover, the residue of glyphosate remains in the soil for

several months and even years. As glyphosate accumulates in the soil for a long period, it can not  only harm the quality of the food crops but also the environment. Glyphosate “locks  up” manganese and other minerals in the soil, which cannot be utilized by the plants that need  them. It is also toxic to rhizobia, the bacterium that fixes nitrogen in the soil.

Impact on Microbes

Microbial activity is one of the most important things that are affected by prolonged exposure of  glyphosate to the soil. Present in the form of fungi and bacteria, microbes are a part of the plant  ecosystem and help to improve their mineral nutrition. Microbes not only provide the plants with  nutrition but also protect them against drought and disease.

Studies have found that long-term use of glyphosate can alter the structure, function, and  diversity of the communities of microbes that are present in the soil. They attack the fungi present  on the roots of the plants or crops, thus preventing the crops to receive adequate nutrition.  Extended use of glyphosate changes the balance between good and harmful microbes in the soil.  Due to this, crops have lost the ability to fight soil-borne pathogens, which increase the chances of  crop diseases.

Impact on Earthworms

Just like soil is compromised due to the use of glyphosate, earthworms are also affected by the use  of this pesticide. Earthworms are essential for soil health; the burrowing action of earthworms  increases soil porosity, which enhances root development. Earthworms also boost soil fertility as  they help in producing phosphorous, magnesium, nitrogen, and potassium.

Although several studies have proved that the use of glyphosate does not affect earthworms,  several others prove the opposite. It was observed that the activity of a specific species of  earthworm stopped while the reproduction of another species was reduced after the use of this  herbicide. As the activity of earthworms reduced, it also led to increased concentrations of  phosphate and nitrate in the soil.

Impact on Amphibians and Aquatic and Marine Organisms

As glyphosate can flow into lakes, rivers, streams, and other water bodies, it can harm amphibians  and aquatic animals too. These animals can ingest the chemical herbicide through their skin as  well as by feeding on things contaminated by it. Several studies have shown that glyphosate can  affect the growth, reproduction, metabolism, and behavior of aquatic animals. A lab experiment  on frogs that were exposed to glyphosate revealed several shocking results like shortening of the  body, facial and cranial malformations, defective eyes, etc. Another study also showed that the  herbicide harmed the mortality rate of tadpoles.

A similar effect was seen in aquatic animals and microorganisms, which are a crucial part of the  marine ecosystem and food chain as well. It was observed that glyphosate exposure led to a lot of  problems including lesser life expectancy, lower reproduction rate, increased chances of diseases,  and lesser population too.

Impact on Humans and Animals

Apart from plants, soil, and microbes, glyphosate also poses health risks to humans and animals.  Animals can get affected when they eat crops or plants sprayed with glyphosate. They can ingest  the pesticide even when they eat the prey that has fed on the glyphosate-treated crops or plants.

The greatest risk is to the farmers who spray the herbicide on the plants or crops. When they  spray glyphosate, they are likely to inhale it and at the same time absorb a large amount of the  chemical through their eyes and skin. The risk becomes higher when they smoke or eat without  washing their hands after spraying the pesticide.

It may also irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and skin. Superficial cornea injury is also one of the side  effects of glyphosate exposure to the eyes. Inhaling or swallowing glyphosate can lead to burns

and increased saliva to the throat and mouth. Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting are some of the  major effects of inhaling and swallowing the pesticide.

The greatest danger is caused by the lack of awareness due to limited information provided to the  farmers or handlers about the direct harmful effects and permanent damage to the them.  Agencies are making very little efforts towards educating and making farmers aware of the ill  effects of glyphosate.

The problem is that there are not many studies that prove that glyphosate is risky for humans and  animals. The EPA describes it is safe for humans and also non-carcinogenic. However, a study  conducted in 2015 by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for  Research declared glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans”, based on their conclusion on  observational studies, animal studies, and test tube studies. It suggested that prolonged exposure  to glyphosate can probably cause cancer, especially non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

During the study, it was seen that glyphosate disrupted the endocrine system, creating hormonal  imbalance. Even at low-level exposure to glyphosate, oxidative damage to the DNA is high and can

cause cellular mutation. The study also showed that high-level exposure to glyphosate can induce  breast cancer. A lab study also suggested hemolysis and oxidation of hemoglobin in human blood  due to glyphosate.

Unfortunately, there are very limited access to information studies that link glyphosate with  cancer on the web.

As per an article last April 2021, by Craig Pittman, a native Floridian working at Tampa Bay Times &  having won numerous state and national awards for his environmental reporting.

“Dr. Denslow’s friend is far from the only American peeing Roundup. In 2016, a study by the  University of California, San Francisco, found glyphosate residue in 93 percent of the urine tested. (On  second thought, don’t ask your doctor whether Glyphosate is right for you — it’s not.)

Bayer has repeatedly denied that Roundup causes human health problems. That claim has been much  harder to maintain in the face of more than 13,000 lawsuits blaming exposure to glyphosate in Roundup  for users developing cancer, Bloomberg News reported last year. So far, Bayer has lost three of those  cases, resulting in combined damages of $191 million.

As a result, Bayer agreed to pay $39.5 million to settle allegations that its Roundup ads included  misleading information about the health risks to both humans and animals.

The EPA initially labelled Roundup a cancer-causing chemical in 1985, but then, during the Reagan  administration, flip-flopped and whatever else transpired that despite all the lawsuits, the EPA still  labels it as safe to use and does not regulate purchases.”

Moreover, the negative impact of glyphosate on humans is not limited to cancer. A study  conducted on rats shows a potential effect of glyphosate on kidney and liver malfunction as well.  During the study, a change in the structure and function of kidneys and liver of the rats that were  exposed to low doses of glyphosate were seen. They were also found to have developed non alcoholic fatty liver disease due to exposure to glyphosate, which eventually led to liver  dysfunction.

Traces of glyphosate were seen in the urine of a large number of people in Europe, indicating that  the traces of this herbicide would be present in the bodies of most people in the continent.  However, scientists are unsure as to how it entered into the system. There is little to no research  on how indirect exposure to glyphosate (for example, through foods) can affect humans.  Moreover, the presence of glyphosate in foods is rarely tested.


It must be agreed that there are no huge bodies of studies that focus on the effect of glyphosate  and the environment. However, most of the research done in this area indicates that it has the  potential to harm the environment. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the UN raised  concerns over the effects of the use of glyphosate on the food chain.

From whatever research did till now, it can be understood that glyphosate can hurt the entire  ecological system. When the pesticide is sprayed on the plants, it can spread from the plants to the  soil and water, thereby affecting all the living organisms that are part of the ecosystem.

The concerning fact is that as glyphosate is a highly used herbicide all over the world, and its side  effects have been built up over several decades. Hence, it is important to take the necessary steps  to reverse the damage before it becomes too late. To decrease the effect of the herbicide, the  dependence on it must be reduced. Several countries have banned or have started phasing out the  use of glyphosate.

Apart from this, more research on the impact of glyphosate on food as well as the ecosystem needs  to be carried out, and we should rally governmental and all available resources such as the WHO  as well as environment-related NGOs and agencies to increase the awareness about the ill-effects  of glyphosate, right down to the handler. After all, it concerns us: what we consume, our health,  our planet and its future, and the future of life on earth.

Weeds as a matter of Interest

We also need to acknowledge that fact that if it were not for weeds, the world would have lost lot  more topsoil than it has to date, and all living inhabitants of our planet would have suffered mass  starvation, as some weeds are sources of food as well.

New studies on weed management that establishes how to weed and when to weed is extremely  crucial to minimize the damages caused due to excessive weeding. This is a topic that needs a  separate post.

Shri. JituBhai Kutmutia, my mentor, brought forth some interesting findings that suggest that  weeds are crucial to retain the moisture in the soil. This happens due to the microbial activity,  which is quite intensive near the root zones with multiple colony forming unit or CFU (a unit  commonly used to estimate the concentration of micro-organisms). When these weeds dry-up post  the wet season/favorable condition, the portion above the soil functions as mulch to protect the soil  and microbes from direct exposure to sun, and the roots decompose to form organic carbon in the  soil. As per studies carried out based on density, it works out to 50 grams per square feet of  organic carbon. In other words, it holds 2,178,095 grams, which is 2178 Kg of Organic Carbon per  annum, in 1-acre land.

Interestingly, wild weeds are a source of several highly effective Ayurvedic medicines and plant  extracts for various ailments. Punarnava, Dhurva, Bhumi Awla, Kantakari, Gokarna, Lajalu, etc.  are some of the examples. While Punarnava is an effective treatment for kidney stones, Kantakari  can help to manage respiratory problems like asthma and cough. Bhumi Awla is the ultimate  treatment for liver problems.

Jaivik Farms propositions farmers practicing organic or natural farming techniques to approach  us to sell these weeds or beneficial herbs. Our sole requirement is that the farmers should practice  natural farming and weed management and also avoid the use of glyphosate. If this condition is  fulfilled, Jaivik Farms will support the farmer by teaching them how to harvest and later by  buying the harvested material.

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Disclaimer: The article is based on a collation of learnings from real life experiences of the writer,  from his journey and learnings from his mentors. Reader’s discretion is advised.

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