
Present day Industrial Scale Wheat Farming in India from an Environmental  Impact & Sustainability Perspective

Until about 50 years ago, till the ’70s, the Indian variety of wheat cultivation used to be a delight crop, sowed using  the water available from the end of monsoon season (known as Uttara Nakshatra Monsoon rivers) end of September,  early October. This crop did not need any further water nor any fertilizer feed until harvesting. The crop would  stabilize with the start of colder weather in November and continue over the winter season, harvested after four  months by the end of February. The yield ranged from 16 to 18 quintals per acre.

In Maharashtra (the state I belong to), they were known as Koradvahu Sheti (Rainfed Agriculture or Dry Farming).  Khapli, Bansi, Kalyan Sona etc. are examples of the wheat types.  

These crops, such as Khapli/Emmer Wheat, are nutritionally fortified and have several dietary benefits, such as twice  the fibre and protein compared to other wheat varieties. Hence you feel full when consumed and also reduces hunger  pangs and therefore aiding weight loss. They have complex carbs that can boost our immunity, and their gluten  molecule is weak and thus suitable for those with gluten intolerance. They can lower bad cholesterol, which is good  for the heart. They are rich in niacin of Vitamin B3, which is excellent for heart and cholesterol levels and a good  source of magnesium, iron and other nutrient profiles. And hence good for all age groups and inclusive of pregnant  women and post-delivery. Research has shown that Khapli/Emmer Wheat is great for people with diabetes as it can  lower blood sugar levels.

Then came along period in India called The Green Revolution, from 1967-68 to 1977-78, a time when agriculture in  India got converted into an industrial system with the adoption of modern methods and technology, such as the use of  high yielding variety (HYV) seeds, tractors, irrigation facilities, pesticides, and fertilizers.

Non-Native seeds and urea got introduced to wheat farming. The combination seemed like a winner with a higher  yield for a few years. But in the long run, it proved to be a disaster for both yields and quality and permanent damage  to the soil. Urea was introduced as a stable fertilizer that can improve soil quality, provide nitrogen to plants, and  increase crop yield.

The pitch for higher yield naturally drew people towards it for higher resource prospects. The awareness tactic was  simple and easily communicated to increase quantity but ignored warnings to farmers of impending future effects.

As with any source of nitrogen, urea itself can damage plants: nitrogen impairs or entirely impedes seed germination,  and too much nitrogen can give crops a “burn.” Urea cannot be used directly by plants as it’s naturally converted into  ammonia on contact with water in the soil. However, if there is too much urea or ammonium in the soil, it will draw  moisture out of the roots and cause ‘fertilizer burn’, with the leaves shriveling and dying, often also killing the  plant. Also, urea tends to increase the temperature of the soil by a couple of degrees when you apply it frequently to  the earth. Hence it was recommended as a standard SOP to do water flooding after application of urea to double the  yield.

Before and After

I’m using one acre as a model to explain between what used to happen & versus reality check in the new world order.

The traditional farmer used to sow Desi (local) variety only with the monsoon river water and harvest an average of  16 quintals after four months, with no additional water throughout the period.

In the Green Revolution Method using urea, the yield went up to 22 – 25 quintals from one acre. 1989 was the peak  bumper crop year, food grains were in excess, and all the FCI godowns were brimming to the full capacities. After  hitting the peak, the yield started to drop year after year and kept decreasing until it reached about 8 quintals per  acre.

In contrast, in traditional farming without water, we used to harvest 16- 18 quintals. Now with urea and excess water,  the yield is down to 8 quintals per acre. Also, it saw an onslaught of several new pests & insects to which pesticide  spraying quantity and frequency increased, which led to the introduction of other more potent pesticides. The  resultant effect was that average wheat growing soils remained between 8 -12 quintals in the new world average is 10  quintals per acre.

Now for some facts from sustained awareness, study & conclusions drawn from practical on-field experience. With  the use of non-native seeds introduced for wheat and combined with urea, these are facts are alarming!!!

As a thumb rule, one acre of wheat cultivation needed to water flood the field 5 to 7 times in 4-month sowing to  harvest period. It was mandatory that after every Urea application, the field had to be water flooded to avoid crop  burn. This flooding caused the soil to lose its water-retention capacity due to destruction to the microbes & topsoil  erosion.


1. One acre field needs a 5 HP pump to work for 8 hours to flood the fields.

2. 5HP pump lifts about an average of 25,000 litres of water per hour.

3. That is 25,000 x 8 hours, which is 2,00,000 Liters per day – 2 Lacs Litre for Indians & 200,000 for the  understanding of others.

4. This when repeated 7 times each harvest season, is 2,00,000 x 7 = 14,00,000, rounded off to 5. 15 lac litres of water is needed for 1 Acre of no-native seed wheat farming of one acre. 6. This one-acre yields 10 boris (sacks) of 100 Kilos (One Quintal) each. So total production from one acre is 10  Quintals which is 1000 Kilograms

7. Considering Rupees 20/- per Kilogram, the total income of the farmer is 20 x 1000 = 20,000 8. Earning before considering Manpower, Seeds, Fertilizer, Water, Power, Equipment Hire is 20,000/ per  harvest.

Costs from our experience:

1. In our experience, from preparing the soil for Sowing to Harvesting the Tractor use cost with Fuel is about  2000 per harvest for one Acre of land = 2000

2. Harvester use cost with Fuel is about 2000 per harvest for one acre of land = 3000

3. Urea for one acre of land per harvest is about 1000 = 1000

4. We need two bags of seeds of Rupees 500 each for one acre per harvest = 1000

The total cost for the above four aspects is Rupees 7000. Therefore, it is already at Rupees 7 per Kilogram. So, the net  income of the farmer per acre is down to Rupees 13 per Kilogram.

We don’t have the room to consider the hard work input by the farmer and no room to give credit for the 15 Lac  Liters of water lifted from the ground “PER ACRE, PER HARVEST.”

It’s an ecological disaster to consume/utilize this quantum of earth water, so such minuscule output and that too  without any credit or recognition for the inadequate action taken to replenish this life-giving natural source.

Academically speaking, even if we considered ten paise per litre, we are talking 1,50,000 for 15 Lac (15, 00,000) Litres.  That’s Rupees 150 per kilo for a crop that fetches Rupees 20 per kilo.

Another interesting angle – Calories

It’s taken as a thumb rule after study and research that 1-litre water acts as the medium & catalyst to produce 700  calories of energy. This is from the whole cycle of taking sun energy, taking macro & micronutrients from soil,  photosynthesis, and producing calories in the plant, which is then consumed as food for energy.

So, considering 15 Lacs Litres used for 1000 Kgs of Wheat cultivated from one acre of land.

That’s 15,00,000 litres x 700 calories = 105,00,00,000 (105 Crore Calories for understanding of Indians) (1,050,000,000  One Billion, 50 Million Calories) is the input.

The calorie of wheat is about 3640/ per Kilogram. So the entire produce from One acre Land being 1000 Kgs, the total  calorie output is 3640 x 1000 = 36 Lacs & 40 thousand only (36,40,000) that’s three million 640 thousand calories only  for international readers understanding.

• Isn’t something strikingly wrong in continuing with non-native seed wheat cultivation using advanced  chemical fertilizers? Think about it!!!

• What is the legacy we are leaving behind for our planet, our country, our soil, water resources, people, food  security, & sustainability for our future generations?

• Why don’t we do responsible and accountable Agriculture & Consumption that is healthy, nutritious & yet  leaves behind abundance & living soil and rich water resources?

The introduction of the dwarf wheat varieties developed by American Scientist Norman Borlaug in Mexico in the  1960s in India’s agriculture sparked the process of desertification of the farmlands. The dwarf wheat crop process as  explained above and the introduction of urea as the nitrogen fertilizer in the days of Green Revolution licked the  fertility of the soil in a few years.

By taking more land under agriculture, the overall food sufficiency of our country has improved. However, those  lands cultivated by urea eventually lose their microbes & microbial activity and their water-retaining capacity.  

If we need to rejuvenate the soil, we have to return to traditional farming. Otherwise, we will never achieve  sustainability. Using traditional Desi seed and methods for cultivation on virgin lands, unspoilt by pesticides and  chemicals, we can return to higher nutrition, health benefits, yield etc.

Global Climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide are yet another aspect  that has influenced a shift in seasons, temperature, and, therefore, the agriculture patterns and increases in water  requirement compared to ancient traditional methods.

Like the sowing of the seeds in October (using the Uttara Nakshatra monsoon winding upriver or groundwater)  allowing the crops to settle down & start growing in November, which was the onset of the winter phase. But, now the  rain pattern has changed, and winter does not seem to set in until December. Therefore, there is a marginal  requirement of water to grow these seeds even in the traditional way.

Sardara Singh Johl, a Padma Bhushan-awardee agricultural economist and chancellor of Central University of  Punjab, has suggested that if agricultural land in Punjab is to be protected from desertification, the best way is to  shift wheat and paddy cultivation to 5 million hectares of land in the Indo Gangetic plains of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar  and West Bengal

According to data from the World Food Federation, 3.1 per cent of land in the world is affected by salinisation and  3.4 per cent of land by excess sodium. The Asia-Pacific region is at the forefront of these figures, with 6.3 per cent and  8 per cent of land salinisation and sodium excess, respectively. More than 9 million hectares of land in India is  suffering from salinisation.


Following the Green Revolution of the ’70s, the focus on wheat, rice & refined flour is one of the many reasons Millets  got knocked-out of the regular staple diet. There are 100’s of millet varieties within the main types. Of this, about 7  varieties can be grown across India in all types of soils.

Known for their climate-resilient features millets are broadly classified into two categories Major & Minor. Major  millets include the likes of pearl millet (bajra) and sorghum (jowar). Minor millets include finger millet (ragi), kodo  millet, barnyard (Sanwa) millet, Little millet, proso millet & Foxtail (Kangni) millet etc.

We must consider consuming and promoting Millets, one of the oldest foods known to mankind from the earliest  civilization.

Millets are ideal for several reasons. They are rain-fed and do not need excessive moisture due to their climate resilient character or DNA. They use significantly less or hardly any water for harvesting and is full of nutrition. They  have a weak gluten molecule and are hence much recommended for gluten intolerant people. They are high on  antioxidants and have a low glycemic index; therefore digests & gets absorbed very slowly compared to others such as  rice and wheat. Millets help in lowering blood glucose and insulin levels. Some are rich sources of calcium, and others  are rich in iron and other nutrients.

Millets can help support good bacteria in your digestive system, reduce your risk of colon cancer, reduce the risk of  heart diseases, in better digestion, anti-cancer properties, help regulate blood pressure,

As to how and why could be another article dedicated to Millets. In which I can give you my views in detail on this  Amazing Crop and its immense benefits!!

• I wish to keep this article and its focus on asking whether the way we farm wheat is that responsible as a  citizen of this planet?

• If consuming this product allows our conscience to be guilt-free.

• Are we not responsible for taking some impactive action at a personal and community level to stop the harm  done to the environment, soil and health for us & our future generations? ….think about it

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