NaturHeals – Wild Weeds 3 - Punarnava - Boerhavia Diffusa – Spreading Hog Weed

The word ‘weeds’ generally have a negative connotation. After all, these rapidly growing plants have the potential to ruin the growth of important food crops and plants. However, not many know that there are some weeds that are more beneficial than dangerous. In fact, many herbs that are used in Ayurveda to cure numerous ailments are actually weeds. A pubescent weed, Punarnava is commonly used in Ayurvedic preparations to treat an array of diseases. The meaning of the word Punarnava translates into “something that rejuvenates or renews the body”.

Different Names of Punarnava

Belonging to the Nycataginaceae family, the botanical name of Punarnava is Boerhavia Diffusa. It also has numerous names in Sanskrit and other Indian languages, some of which include Purnoi, Satadi Thikedi, Satodimula, Motosatoda, Konneberu, Sanadika, Kommeberu, Lalapuiruni, Khattan, Mukurattai, Atikamamidi Tamilama, and Thazhuthama. It is also known as (red and spreading) hog weed, pig weed, red spiderling, tarvine, and horse purslane.

Ideal Soil and Climate

As it is a weed, Punarnava can grow anywhere, in any kind of soil and weather conditions. But for ideal growth, this weed needs lots of sunshine and rainfall. It grows best in loam and sandy loam soils. It is generally found on flat land, near water courses, and road sides. Punarnava also goes well as an intercrop that is planted with other Ayurvedic herbs like shankhapushpi, bala, and ashwagandha. Punarnava is widely seen all across India. It can be seen in Asia, Africa, the Pacific, and in Southern United States of America as well.


The Punarvana plant grows up to the height of 1 meter, while its branches spread quite widely. The roots of the plant are large and tuberous. They are usually brown, grey, or yellow in colour. Its leaves are ovate or oblong, and they are green and smooth above and pinkish-white and hairy underneath. They are small but thick and fleshy. The flowers of Punarnava are tiny and grow in clusters. The flowers can have 4-10 stalks and can be seen in pink, white, violet, and red colours. Punarnava’s fruits are usually oblong in shape and are 5-ribbed and glandular as well.

Principal Constituents

An important Ayurvedic herb, this medicinal weed is filled with nutrients and phytochemicals. The plant is endowed with Vitamin C, proteins, calcium, sodium, and iron. It also contains beta sitosterol, tetracosanoic acid, oxalic acid, ursolic acid, mysritstic acid, hexacosanoic acid, stearic acid, hentriacontane, serratagenic acid, liriodendron, boeravinone A to F, palmitic acid, archidic acid, hentria contance, and potassium nitrate. It also has alkaloids like lignans, phytosterols, salt, xanthones, and rotenoids.

Medicinal Benefits

As per Ayurveda, Punarnava has the potential of balancing Pitta, Kapha, and Raktha doshas. This herb has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, appetizer, anti-spasmodic, antioxidant, anti-microbial, digestive, laxative, astringent, immunomodulatory, anti-allergic, somatic, diuretic, febrifuge, hepatoprotective, antithelmintic, anti-proliferative, and hepatostimulative properties. The plant has the ability to revive and rejuvenate various parts of the body, right from healing wounds to treating liver and kidney disorders.

Eye Diseases: The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of Punarnava make it an excellent medicine for treating several eye diseases. It can be used to treat problems like conjunctivitis, night blindness, and even cataract. The antioxidants in the plant help in preventing and curing cataract, as it attacks the free radicals that are responsible for the damage. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory properties of Punarnava help to control the symptoms of conjunctivitis like swelling, itching, and irritation. Punarnava works for maintaining eye health in general as well.

Digestion: Digestive issues can be resolved by using Punarnava. The laxative property of the plant promotes bowel movements, thus relieving constipation. Punarnava is a digestive agent, and the consumption of this herb enhances digestion by stimulating the release of digestive juices, while making sure that the essential nutrients are absorbed in the body. Due to all these properties, Punarnava is considered to be a beneficial medicine for treating conditions like ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Apart from these, Punarnava aids in getting rid of intestinal worms, strengthening the abdominal muscles, relieving abdominal pain and gas, and reducing flatulence. It is used for preventing intestinal colic too.

Obesity and Weight Loss: As Punarnava aids digestion and removes the extra fluids from the body easily, it aids in weight loss. Moreover, while removing the extra fluids, it ensures that no potassium or electrolytes are lost. It acts as an appetizer and assists the body to breakdown the fats, thus helping you to lose weight. Punarnava also aids in reducing bad cholesterol, thus making it an excellent option for managing obesity or maintaining optimum weight. This is the reason why Punarnava is used in most herbal slimming products.

Urinary Tract Infection: Although urinary tract information or UTI is mostly seen in women, it can happen to men also. UTIs are bacterial infections that cause symptoms like burning sensation and pain while urinating. The anti-microbial, anti-spasmodic, and diuretic properties of Punarnava help to reduce pain and the burning sensation. It increases the urine flow, thus curing the infection.

Other Urinary Problems: As the plant acts as a diuretic, it helps in treating problems like urinary distension, which is urinary retention caused by some obstruction that prevents normal urination. Apart from this, the plant is a great cure for a problem called dropsy, which is a health issue caused by collection of water fluids in the tissues and cavities of the body. Punarnava also treats ascites, which is caused by fluid build-up in the body.

Kidney Problems: As the diuretic effect of Punarnava stimulates the production of urine, it helps in reducing the risk of several inflammatory kidney diseases. By increasing the urine flow, it helps in getting rid of kidney stones from the body. The herb also helps to clear out all the calcium that gets collected in the kidney, thus preventing the problem of kidney stones. Punarnava plays an important role in resolving several other kidney disorders.

Uric Acid and Gout: Gout is a disease caused by high level of uric acid in the body. The problem of high uric acid level happens when a person suffers from poor or weak digestion or when the kidneys are not able to get rid of the toxins out of the body. When this happens, the excess uric acid crystals get discharged in the joints, leading to gout. As Punarnava increases the flow of urine, it also gets rid of the excess uric acid crystals, thus treating gout.

Arthritis: Joint pain caused by arthritis is a common problem seen amongst the elderly. Joint pain is usually caused due to the imbalance of Kapha, and as Punarvana has Kapha-balancing properties, it can provide relief to people suffering from joint pain. With the help of Punarnava, you can not only reduce joint pain but also help in preventing them. The plant has powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that reduces pain, inflammation, and swelling of the joints and muscles.

Anaemia: Anaemia is a problem that happens when the haemoglobin level in the blood is less. It mainly happens because of the imbalance of pitta dosha in the body. As Punarnava has the ability to balance Pitta dosha, it becomes beneficial in rectifying the haemoglobin levels in the body. Moreover, the presence of iron in the plant helps in bringing up the haemoglobin level, and thus curing anaemia.

Bronchial Asthma: The Kapha-balancing and Rasayana (rejuvenation) properties of Punarnava aid in treating a lot of respiratory problems, right from a simple cough to a more serious bronchial asthma. The imbalance of Kapha dosha leads to the build-up of mucus in the respiratory tract, which causes cough and breathing difficulties. Punarnava balances the Kapha and clears out the mucus from the respiratory tract, while making breathing easy.

Heart Health: Punarnava is an excellent herb that helps in improving and maintaining heart health. This nourishing herb clears the action of the circulatory system. It relaxes the cardiac system and reduces the workload of the heart. This is the reason it is best in preventing congestive heart failures and resolving problems like arrhythmia and palpitations. Moreover, it enhances overall cardiac health by lowering bad cholesterol, strengthening the heart muscles, and preventing lipid build-up. You can prevent heart attack, heart blocks, blood clots, and atherosclerosis with the regular use of Punarnava.

Diabetes: Another health problem that is caused by the imbalance of Kapha dosha is diabetes, which is a common lifestyle problem in the world today. Kapha imbalance leads to insulin production. The healing properties of Punarnava have the ability to restore as well as regulate the cells that aid in the production and maintenance of insulin levels in the body. It lessens the breakdown of starch into glucose, thus preventing blood sugar hike.

Fertility and Libido: The rejuvenating properties of Punarnava help in treating both female and male infertility. It increases the blood circulation of the genitals and enhances the production of the reproductive organs. In men, it helps in improving the quality of the semen and curing erectile dysfunction. It also helps in boosting the virility and stamina of men, thus increasing their libido.

Liver: One of the best benefits of Punarnava is its effects on liver health. Liver disorders are usually caused due to imbalance of Vatta-Pitha-Kapha doshas. The antioxidant, purification, diuretic, hepatoprotective, and hepatostimulative properties of Punarnava help in getting rid of free radicals and toxins that cause liver cell damage and other liver issues. Punarnava is used for cleansing and revitalizing the liver. As it helps in liver health, this weed is one of the commonly used herbs to treat jaundice.

Apart from the above mentioned diseases, Punarnava is used for several other health problems, including insomnia, alcoholism, rabies, general fevers etc. It is also useful in healing wounds and other skin conditions like swelling. It can also to manage heavy menstruation, clotting, and fibroids in women. Some studies have also indicated the benefits of Punarnava in curing cancer. Moreover, as Punarnava has Rasayana or rejuvenation properties, it aids in maintaining overall health and wellness.

Uses of Punarnava

The entire plant of Punarnava, including its roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits can be used for healing a variety of health problems. It is available in different forms like paste, powder, juice, and decoction and can be used both internally and externally.

  • A paste of Punarnava powder made with mustard oil helps in wound healing. This mixture lessens swelling and inflammation.
  • Punarnava powder with hot water and mustard oil can relieve joint pain.
  • The consumption of Punarnava juice before meals helps in treating a whole lot of ailments including stomach disorders (constipation and indigestion), liver disorders, UTI, and arthritis. It is an effective way of reducing weight too.
  • Consuming Punarnava paste with cow’s milk helps in enhancing the functioning of male and female reproductive systems.
  • The churna of Punarnava mixed with honey and cow’s milk is great for treating male infertility.
  • Applying the paste of Punarnava powder with water or coconut oil is beneficial for hypersensitive skin.
  • The powder of Punarnava boiled in 2 cups of water helps to treat conjunctivitis and jaundice and also helps to improve the urinary and respiratory system.
  • The decoction made with Punarnava leaves are beneficial for treating fever, while cough can be treated by mixing the powder with honey.
  • Decoction of the whole plant is beneficial for curing anaemia.
  • Punarnava is used as a vegetable in several Asian and African countries.
  • The herb is used while making fodder for the livestock too.

Side Effects

The side effects of Punarnava is extremely less. However, people who are allergic to ethanol may not find this herb suitable. Apart from this, it can increase blood pressure for some people. As the weed is a laxative, pregnant women should avoid using Punarnava. Similarly, it should not be given to children under the age of 12 years.

Planting and Harvesting

Although it is a weed and easily grows anywhere, Punarnava needs ideal weather and soil conditions to thrive. If you want to cultivate Punarnava for the purpose of using them for medicines and herbal products, you need to follow perfect cultivation and harvesting procedures.

Planting of Punarnava seeds should be done in the months of July-August. You can sow the seeds by hand or by using a seed drilling machine. Ensure that you use a well-prepared soil made with well-decomposed farmyard manure. The plant saplings need to be replanted to ridges with the space of 15x15 cm or 30x30 cm. It is important to water the plants as frequently as possible. Also, make sure that they are planted in an area that is exposed to sunlight. Punarnava does not require too much weeding.

  • A paste of Punarnava powder made with mustard oil helps in wound healing. This mixture lessens swelling and inflammation.
  • Punarnava powder with hot water and mustard oil can relieve joint pain.
  • The consumption of Punarnava juice before meals helps in treating a whole lot of ailments including stomach disorders (constipation and indigestion), liver disorders, UTI, and arthritis. It is an effective way of reducing weight too.
  • Consuming Punarnava paste with cow’s milk helps in enhancing the functioning of male and female reproductive systems.
  • The churna of Punarnava mixed with honey and cow’s milk is great for treating male infertility.
  • Applying the paste of Punarnava powder with water or coconut oil is beneficial for hypersensitive skin.
  • The powder of Punarnava boiled in 2 cups of water helps to treat conjunctivitis and jaundice and also helps to improve the urinary and respiratory system.
  • The decoction made with Punarnava leaves are beneficial for treating fever, while cough can be treated by mixing the powder with honey.
  • Decoction of the whole plant is beneficial for curing anaemia.
  • Punarnava is used as a vegetable in several Asian and African countries.
  • The herb is used while making fodder for the livestock too.

Side Effects

The side effects of Punarnava is extremely less. However, people who are allergic to ethanol may not find this herb suitable. Apart from this, it can increase blood pressure for some people. As the weed is a laxative, pregnant women should avoid using Punarnava. Similarly, it should not be given to children under the age of 12 years.

Planting and Harvesting

Although it is a weed and easily grows anywhere, Punarnava needs ideal weather and soil conditions to thrive. If you want to cultivate Punarnava for the purpose of using them for medicines and herbal products, you need to follow perfect cultivation and harvesting procedures.

Planting of Punarnava seeds should be done in the months of July-August. You can sow the seeds by hand or by using a seed drilling machine. Ensure that you use a well-prepared soil made with well-decomposed farmyard manure. The plant saplings need to be replanted to ridges with the space of 15x15 cm or 30x30 cm. It is important to water the plants as frequently as possible. Also, make sure that they are planted in an area that is exposed to sunlight. Punarnava does not require too much weeding.

The Punarnava plant can be harvested after 2-3 years of plantation. The entire plant is harvested along with the roots, which are dug out, cleaned, and then cut longitudinally for drying. The seeds of the plant can be collected in the months of October-November.

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  • Emiliano 02:05 AM

    Can you give me some more information on harvesting punarnava? How do I make the powder? Can I harvest leaves as it grows or do I need to wait the 2-3 years before I can make powder?

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