
NaturHeals – Undershrub 1 – Desmodium Gangeticum – Shalparni – One of the Dashamoola Herbs

India is a goldmine of medicinal plants used traditionally. Ayurveda is an Indian system of medicine,  which has been using medicinal plants for curing various ailments and diseases. One such plant is  Shalparni, known for its incredible health benefits, thus called because the leaves of Shalparni resemble  the leaves of the herb Shala. The roots of Shalparni, laden with several ayurvedic properties, are one of  the herbs in the Dashamoola, one of the important ingredients of Chyavanprash, Dashmoolarishta, and  Dashmoolakwaath. It is known for its carminative, stomachic, astringent, aphrodisiac, febrifuge, and  expectorant properties. It is useful in the treatment of asthma, piles, typhoid, dysentery, and bronchitis in  the Ayurvedic system of medicine. 

Different Names of Shalparni 

The botanical name of Shalparni is Desmodium Gangeticum DC which belongs to the Fabaceae (pea or  legume) family. Desmodium is from the Greek word desmos (chain or band) that refers to jointed seed  pods and Gangeticim from the Ganges River. The English name of the plant is Sal Leaved Desmodium. 

In Vernacular Indian languages, the Shalparni plant is called Dirghamuli, Pivari, Dhruva, Sarivan, or  Salaparni in Hindi; Vidarigandha, Dirghamoola, Shalaparni, Pivari, or Anshumati in Sanskrit; Salavan,  Dai, Davala, or Ranganjya in Marathi; Sarivan, Shalpurhi, or Shalpurni in Punjabi; Chalani, or  Shalapani in Bengali; Shaliparni, Ban Gahat, or Bidarikanda in Nepalese; Seloporno, Saloporni, or  Sharpani in Oriya; Kolakuponna, Gitanaram, or Nakkatokaponna in Telugu; Moovilai, or Pulladi in  Tamil; Moovial, Orila, or Pullati in Malayalam; Murele Honne, or Nariyalavona in Kannada; Shalavan  in Gujarati; and Salparni in Konkani. 

Ideal Soil and Climate

The Shalparni is mostly found in China, Myanmar, Japan, Cambodia, Thailand, Africa, Laos, Malaysia,  Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, and Australia. In the Indian subcontinent, the Shalparni is found  commonly as an undershrub in the wastelands and forests throughout the tropical and subtropical  regions, predominantly found in the Himalayan regions and the Gangetic plains as an orchard weed. 

The Shalparni prefers a tropical or subtropical dry climate, growing well in semi-shade areas in moist  orchards in loamy to clayey loamy soil with a pH between 8.5 to 9 (alkaline). It thrives well in heavy  soil with high clay content. 


Shalparni is an erect undershrub that grows up to 2 to 3 feet high. It has a woody stem, slender branches  irregularly angled and is covered with soft grey hairs. The leaves are alternate, ovate, obtuse, oblong,  unifoliate, pubescent, and membranous that grow up to 15 cm in length. Petioles are around 1 cm long, 

stipules 6 to 8 mm long, and striate at the base. The inflorescence is axillary raceme and terminal. The  pea-shaped flowers are white, lilac, or purple colored. The fruits in pods are moniliform, flat, thin, and  curved, with 6 to 8 nodes bearing hair-like structures. The seeds are kidney-shaped and compressed. The  roots are light yellow and smooth, and the root bark is yellowish white with a leathery texture.  Flowering and fruiting usually happen from May to June and September to October. 

Principal Constituents 

The Shalparni, loaded with bioactive compounds, has numerous health-benefiting properties. The  phytochemicals present in the plant are Caudicin, Hordenine, Hypaphorine, N-dimethyltryptamine,  Gangetin-3H, Desmodin, and Gangetinin. The roots contain resin, essential oils, and alkaloids. The  Shalparni plant has bioactive chemicals like sterols, pterocarpans, phospholipids, lactones, glycolipids,  and flavonoid glycosides. 

Medical Benefits 

According to Ayurveda, the Shalparni plant has a bitter (Tikta) and sweet (Madhur) taste, Oily (Guru)  and heavy (Snigdha), Hot (Ushna) potency, and sweet (Madhur) Vipaka. It helps balance the Kapha and  Vata doshas in our bodies. This herb possesses anti-catarrhal, anthelmintic, antipyretic, antioxidants,  anti-rheumatic, anti-diarrheal, and diuretic properties. The uses of Shalparni are even mentioned in the  ayurvedic scriptures and the Charak Samhita. It is Shothahara (anti-inflammatory), Balya (improves  strength), Angamardhaprashamana (relieves myalgia), and Snehopaga (used in Panchakarma).  Consumption of the Shalparni provides several long-term health benefits. A few are listed below: 

1) Useful in Bronchitis

Shalparni is an effective medicinal plant when it comes to controlling bronchitis. As per research in  Ayurveda, bronchitis, also known as Kasroga, is caused by the poor digestive function of our system.  The improper elimination of waste and an unhealthy diet lead to the toxic remains or Ama, found in the  form of phlegm in the lungs, which leads to bronchitis. The potent Kapha and Ushna pacifying nature of  Shalparni herb gets rid of excessive mucus from the lungs and reduces Ama, thereby offering a respite  from bronchitis. 

2) Treats Rheumatoid Arthritis 

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disorder in which there is an imbalance of Vata dosha and accumulation of  Ama (toxic remains) in the joints. The Ama accumulated in the joints results in severe muscle and joint  pain. As the Shalparni extract possesses Ushna potency and Vata balancing properties, it helps to reduce  Ama. Regular use of Shalparni extract offers relief from the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, such as  swelling and pain in the joints. 

3) Improves Digestive Health 

Shalparni is an effective herb well known to enhance gut health and maintain good health of the  digestive system. This herb is very effective in giving relief from problems like vomiting, gastritis,  burning sensation, diarrhea, flatulence, and anorexia. Consuming the herb reduces acid secretion and  increases the release of mucins, helping to safeguard the intestinal lining and cells, which thereby helps  to treat peptic ulcers. 

4) Improves Male Reproductive Heath 

Shalparni is a very effective herbal supplement and is highly recommended to boost reproductive health  in men. The Vrishya (aphrodisiac) traits in Shalparni boost male sexual performance, increasing the  flow of blood to the penis and thereby improving the quantity and quality of the semen. Henceforth,  taking this supplement also helps to promote vitality and strength and correct problems of premature  ejaculation. 

5) Treats Headache 

Shalparni aids in easing the headaches that are caused due to stress. The Shalparni plant is valuable in  relieving pain and relaxing strained muscles due to its Vata pacifying nature. Applying the Shalparni  juice extracts or leaf powder of Shalparni leaves on the forehead reduces headaches and fatigue-related  symptoms. 

6) Nervine Tonic 

Shalparni herb is known to be an effective nervine tonic. The herb is quite effective when facing stress,  anxiety, depression, and tension. 

7) Cardiovascular Problems

Shalparni herb helps in strengthening the heart muscles and maintaining a better blood flow in the body  by dilating the blood vessels. It also helps in maintaining cholesterol better with good HDL levels in the  body and decreasing the level of LDL. Regular use of the herb is useful in maintaining healthy blood  pressure in the body. 

8) Immune Stimulant 

Shalparni herb is an effective immune stimulator, helping in the stimulation of components of our  immune system like T cells, B cell, macrophages, and monocytes. Due to its anti-inflammatory  property, it is an excellent herb to boost overall immunity. 

9) Skin Diseases 

Shalparni extracts are very beneficial for the treatment of skin diseases, as they help to provide relief  from problems such as itching, dry scales, and redness on the skin, thereby rejuvenating the skin. 

10) Piles 

Shalparni herb acts as a laxative as it facilitates the easier passing of stools that provides relief from the  problems of constipation. Furthermore, Shalparni’s anti-inflammatory properties help to relieve the  symptoms of itching, redness, soreness, swelling, and irritation around the anus. 

11) Diabetes 

Researchers have found that Shalparni helps in reducing blood sugar levels, facilitating insulin  secretion, and thereby is very useful in managing diabetes. 

12) Urinary Problems 

The diuretic properties of the Shalparni herb are beneficial for resolving problems like frequent  urination, burning sensation when passing urine, and difficulty in urination. 

13) Dementia 

Bioactive constituents in Shalparni like flavonoids and flavones are antioxidants. These plant chemicals  improve the ability of the brain to transmit signals, making the herb useful for the prevention and  management of dementia. 

14) Wounds 

The antiseptic properties of the Shalparni help to treat cuts and wounds. It reduces inflammation and  prevents any infection. 

Uses of Shalparni 

Shaplaparni is available in the form of kwath and root powder. 

1) In Piles – Take Shalparni powder with water or apply the paste made of leaves on the anus twice  daily. 

2) Dandruff – Apply the leaf paste to the scalp. 

3) Male sexual disorder – Take a decoction made of the root. 

4) Headache – Apply leaf powder with rose water on the forehead. 

5) Hair fall – Apply the leaf paste with Aloe vera to the scalp. 

6) Bronchitis – Take a decoction made of the root. 

7) Rheumatoid Arthritis – Take a decoction made from the root. 

8) Gouty Arthritis – Take pounded Shalparni and Uraria picta with milk. 

9) Asthma – Take the powdered root with honey. 

10) Vomiting – Take the decoction made using the root. 

11) In Diarrhea – Take a decoction made of the root.

12) Cough – Take 3 to 5 gm of Shalparni powder with honey. 

13) Typhoid – Chew the roots. 

14) Toothache – Apply the root paste to the gums. 

15) Eczema – Apply the leaf paste to the affected area. 

16) Snakebite – Take half a cup of root decoction as an antidote. 

Decoction of the whole plant is useful for the treatment of intermittent fever, edema, digestive problems,  urinary tract infections, and malaria. 

Side Effects 

Since Shalparni is one of the ten herbs in Dashamoola, it is a very safe herb. Some ayurvedic herbs may  react with certain medications. Therefore, it is better to seek a doctor’s advice if consuming Shalparni  with other modern medicines. As enough scientific evidence is unavailable, avoid taking the herb during  pregnancy or breastfeeding. 

Planting and Harvesting 

The Shalparni crop can be easily grown through seeds that do not require any pre-treatment to  germinate. In the nursery, the seedlings are usually raised in March or April. The seeds are sown in  polybags with potting mix that contains an equal amount of soil, FYM (farmyard manure), and sand.  The seeds germinate between 7 to 10 days and are ready for transplanting in the main field after 45-50  days. The land is prepared by giving two harrowing and one plowing, followed by planking. During the  field preparation, manure should be at a rate of 10 Tonnes per hectare and mixed with the soil  thoroughly. 

At the time of planting, nitrogen and phosphorus have to be applied at the rate of 20 kg per hectare and  40 kg per hectare, respectively. The ideal spacing of 45 cm x 45 cm is usually recommended to  accommodate roughly 50,000 saplings in 1 hectare of land. Planting is done in adjacent rows at 30 cm x  30 cm space for intercropping. The plant can be either grown as a pure crop or as an intercrop with trees  like Populus deltoidea (poplar). Mango, Guava, and Aavla are also suitable for intercropping. The first  irrigation is essential just after transplanting, which must be followed by irrigation at intervals of 12 to  15 days in summer (May or June). Irrigation can be done depending on the rains received during the  monsoon season. In rain-fed conditions, irrigation is dependent upon the frequency and amount of  rainfall. In the winter season, once a month of irrigation is sufficient. 

The plant matures in November or December (after six to seven months) and is to be harvested as a  whole plant. If a root is needed for medical purposes, the plant is allowed to stand for one year, and  harvesting is done in April, as a one-year-old crop produces a higher root yield. The plant is dug out  

with a spade, and the roots are separated. They are then washed, dried, cleaned, powdered, packed, and  stored in gunny bags in the shade at ambient temperature.


Jaivik Farms, an agro-based company, is continuously on the lookout for farmers, encouraging them to  grow medicinal plants like the Shalparni. The expert team is always ready to help and guide the farmers  for a better yield so that they can earn a good income that will improve their economic growth and  encourage them to grow the medicinal plant organically without using any pesticides or chemicals. 

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